Anyone who's super-keen/observant (and oh my gosh I'd be so honoured and fangirl-excited if anyone actually did!) might have noticed that yesterday I didn't do my daily blog post for Mental Health Awareness Week like I promised I would try to do. Yesterday was a bit difficult and stressful, but I absolutely intended to write a post - I felt more than anything like I had to, like I'd be a complete failure and be letting everyone and everything I try to stand for down if I didn't. At 11.20pm I was all still curled up fretting and overwhelmed and horribly over-tired in the corner of the sofa panicking about how I was possibly going to articulate a post, and then I realised maybe I could use a missed day to make a point - that it's okay to take time out and step back when your mental health needs it.
It doesn't always seem like a legitimate thing to feel, especially if you're like me and get horrifically restless and upset with yourself for not being so busy 24/7 that it devastates you, but everyday life even when you're doing apparently 'nothing' can be so incredibly draining and overwhelming. I absolutely adore seeing all the amazing things that are happening to people I know and love or care about pop up on Facebook and it makes me so overwhelmingly happy seeing people get the wonderful things they deserve and have worked so hard for, but being surrounded by the incredible things people you know are achieving all CONSTANTLY is also a horrible catalyst for overwhelming self doubt and comparison, even when it's the last thing in the world you want to feel (and if you're me, you then feel so selfish and horrible for catching yourself getting upset or envious that you literally want to punch yourself in the face for being so selfish). There's so so much pressure to be constantly available, constantly on top of everything, constantly working towards a new shiny goal that might maybe help me feel a little more 'validated' or like I'm not just falling horrifically and terrifyingly behind everyone else I know, even though of course I absolutely know that social media 'life' is hugely rose tinted and that no one else's life is as okay as it might seem either. Sometimes when your mind is being horrible, even knowing those things just doesn't make it better. It's so so hard to remember, but please trust me: you're not being selfish. You're not letting everyone down, no matter what your head tries to tell you - you're doing what's best for YOU, right now, in this moment, and that's absolutely okay.
Like I talked about in my last post, it's so so important to try and look after our own mental wellbeing, and sometimes - difficult and horribly selfish and frightening as it seems - that means it really is okay to step back from everything. I've never been able to fully take myself away from social media or completely isolate myself from going out for more than a couple of days, because my anxiety is relentlessly scary and overwhelming and just won't let me, but to be honest I think this people who do are ridiculously and amazingly brave. (HUGE shoutout here to my amazing TTC Champion and amazing friend James here, for inspiring this post with the bravery of his social media break and still being so unfailingly thoughtful and lovely despite all the shit he's going through on his own too. I admire you so much and I'm so so happy to have you back at least for a little bit!).
It takes an awful lot to recognise and make a decision which can still be so widely misconceived or misunderstood as self-deprecating, antisocial or counterproductive in the interests of your own wellbeing, and it's a hugely brave thing to do to commit to putting yourself first despite all the pressure from society and general life not to.
I didn't post yesterday in the end, because I wanted to make a point. I wanted to take my own advice for once that's it's okay to step back from things sometimes - we can't help make the world a better, kinder and better place for mental health if we don't try to look after ourselves and our own wellbeing first too. This is something I'm still finding horrifically hard to grasp, both in terms of trying to look after myself mentally and physically, but hopefully if we keep encouraging each other that it's okay to take better care of ourselves, I'll maybe one day be able to convince myself that it really is okay for me to do what's best for me first sometimes too.
Like I talked about in my last post, it's so so important to try and look after our own mental wellbeing, and sometimes - difficult and horribly selfish and frightening as it seems - that means it really is okay to step back from everything. I've never been able to fully take myself away from social media or completely isolate myself from going out for more than a couple of days, because my anxiety is relentlessly scary and overwhelming and just won't let me, but to be honest I think this people who do are ridiculously and amazingly brave. (HUGE shoutout here to my amazing TTC Champion and amazing friend James here, for inspiring this post with the bravery of his social media break and still being so unfailingly thoughtful and lovely despite all the shit he's going through on his own too. I admire you so much and I'm so so happy to have you back at least for a little bit!).
It takes an awful lot to recognise and make a decision which can still be so widely misconceived or misunderstood as self-deprecating, antisocial or counterproductive in the interests of your own wellbeing, and it's a hugely brave thing to do to commit to putting yourself first despite all the pressure from society and general life not to.
I didn't post yesterday in the end, because I wanted to make a point. I wanted to take my own advice for once that's it's okay to step back from things sometimes - we can't help make the world a better, kinder and better place for mental health if we don't try to look after ourselves and our own wellbeing first too. This is something I'm still finding horrifically hard to grasp, both in terms of trying to look after myself mentally and physically, but hopefully if we keep encouraging each other that it's okay to take better care of ourselves, I'll maybe one day be able to convince myself that it really is okay for me to do what's best for me first sometimes too.